look at My english fonts, why so ugly??? I search the whole forum already, but can't figure out the reason, help please
I just add in the font to my fedora core 3 system by using following method:
1. Create the /usr/share/fonts/local/ directory (if it doesn't already exist):
mkdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
2. Copy the new font file into /usr/share/fonts/local/
3. Update the font information by issuing the following commands (note that, due to formatting restrictions, the following commands may appear on more than one line; in use, each command should be entered on a single line):
ttmkfdir -d /usr/share/fonts/local/ -o /usr/share/fonts/local/fonts.scale
mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
4. If you had to create /usr/share/fonts/local/, you must then add it to the X font server (xfs) path:
chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/local/
Adding new fonts to the fontconfig font subsystem is more straightforward; the new font file only needs to be copied into the /usr/share/fonts/ directory (individual users can modify their personal font configuration by copying the font file into the ~/.fonts/ directory).
After the new font has been copied, use fc-cache to update the font information cache:
fc-cache <directory>
(Where <directory> would be either the /usr/share/fonts/ or ~/.fonts/ directories.)
Individual users may also install fonts graphically, by browsing fonts:/// in Nautilus, and dragging the new font files there.
NOTE: If the font filename ends with ".gz", it has been compressed with gzip, and must be decompressed (with the gunzip command) before the fontconfig font subsystem can use the font.
After install, chinese font is pretty good,but english font is ugly,IT'S NOT SOLID enough. HOw do i post screenshot in this forum??? what should I do? |