[wxy@localhost cs]$ wine cstrike.exe
fixme:nls:init_default_lcid charset GB18030 was not recognized
err:virtual:map_image Standard load address for a Win32 program (0x00400000) not available - security-patched kernel ?
wine: could not load L"E:\\game\\cs1.5\\cs\\cstrike.exe" as Win32 binary
[wxy@localhost cs]$ wine winecfg
fixme:nls:init_default_lcid charset GB18030 was not recognized
Fontconfig warning: line 434: unknown element "other_family"
fixme:winecfg:WinMain The winecfg tool is not yet complete, and does not actually alter your configuration.
fixme:winecfg:WinMain If you want to alter the way Wine works, look in the ~/.wine/config file for more information.
[wxy@localhost cs]$