ksh@server:/opt/testsuite/linux/mpc8560/build-2.6.20_mpc8560> ../skyeye-1.2.4.old/binary/skyeye -h
------------------------- SkyEye -V1.2 ---------------------------
Usage: SkyEye [options] -e program [program args]
Default mode is STANDALONE mode
-e exec-file the (ELF executable format)kernel file name.
-l load_address,load_address_mask
Load ELF file to another address, not its entry.
-b specify the data type is big endian when non "-e" option.
-d in GDB Server mode (can be connected by GDB).
-c config-file the skyeye configure file name.
-h The SkyEye command options, and ARCHs and CPUs simulated.