楼主 |
发表于 2006-3-14 14:48:22
真是对不起大家,问了两个最没用的问题,现在自己都找到答案了,实在是不好意思,因为刚开始学习linux. 而且逼得时间又紧,所以才会这么没耐性的在这里瞎撞瞎问,请大家包涵.这个问题解决了,可别的问题又来了,还是要问 .我正试图装linux下的第一个软件,可是不会请高手帮帮忙!" Step 1) Java Runtime Environment
In order to use RSSOwl your computer must have installed Java.
You can get Java from here: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Follow the instructions as mentioned in "Step 2: Install" if necessary.
Step 2) Installation of the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) graphic libary
The SWT libary that is added to the RSSOwl project needs GTK 2 to run. Make sure that the *.so files are
on your java.libary.path or any other path that java may access.
这个软件是rssowl,我已经解压过了,上面的文字是install中的安装提示,可是我不知道该怎么具体的操作,请教一下我,还有我的系统是fc1,完全安装的! |