eet ---Library for speedy data storage, retrieval, and compression
edb ---Database abstraction layer to Berkeley Databases
imlib2 ---Powerful image loading & rendering library
imlib2_loaders --- Just the loaders!
embryo ---Tiny library designed as a virtual machine to interpret small compiled programs
evas ---Clean display canvas API
ecore ---Ecore is the event/X abstraction layer
edje ---Edje is a complex graphical design and layout engine
epeg ---JPEG scaling library
epsilon ---Small, display independent, and quick thumbnailing library
etox ---Type setting and text layout library based on Evas
esmart ---Contains "smart" pre-built evas objects. (thumbnail generator included)
emotion ---Evas smart-object library providing video capabilities
ewl ---Widget library
eclair *NEW* ---EFL powered media player
iconbar ---Standalone iconbar based on the e17 iconbar by raster and rephorm
entice ---Yet another image viewer based on EFL technology
entrance ---Enlightenment Display Manager which beats up KDM/GDM
examine ---A config interface
elicit ---Global color picker and a zoom tool for artists
evidence ---File-manager with plugins for everything
erss ---Enlightened RSS Feed Reader
Enlightenment >=0.16.999.001 ---The Enlightened Window Manager (A masterpiece!!!)
engage ---Cool docker that resembles OSX in some ways
engrave ---Engrave is an edje editing library
e_utils ---Utilities: e17setroot/emblem/entangle/e_util_app_edit
e_modules *NEW* ---Set of modules for E17: flame/snow/notes
e17genmenu *NEW* ---GNOME/KDE Menu generator for E17