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嵌入式综合性网站 http://www.embeddedtechnology.com (英文)
http://www.embedded-directory.com (英文)
www.bu.edu/pub/ieee-rts/Home.html" target="_blank">http://cs-www.bu.edu/pub/ieee-rts/Home.html (英文)
http://www.es-mag.com (英文)
http://altair.ihep.su/~kulemzin/index.html (英文)
http://www.esofta.com (英文)
http://www.siliconpenguin.com (英文)
http://www.realtime-info.com (英文)
实时系统综合性信息网站,《Real-Time Magazine》杂志主办者。提供实时操作系统及其它相关产品购买指导,实时技术研究组织机构介绍,业界新闻和重要活动消息发布,《Real-Time Magazine》杂志网上介绍。
http://www.embedded.com (英文)
美国一家关于嵌入式系统的综合性网站,《EMBEDDED SYSTEMS》杂志主办者。提供嵌入式产品和工具购买指导,嵌入式产品Demo下载,业界新闻及各类活动报道,包含大量的资源链接和嵌入式开发文章,以及丰富的业界广告。
http://www.embeddedinternet.com (英文)
http://www.embedded-systems-messe.de (英文)
http://www.primenet.com/~magpub/ (英文)
http://www.electronic-forecast.com (英文)
http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/ailab/links/embedded.html (英文)
http://www.forthinc.demon.co.uk/info/links/index.htm (英文)
http://www.eg3.com (英文)
嵌入式Linux 嵌入式LINUX硬件板卡供应商
嵌入实时操作系统 http://www.cs.umd.edu/~fwmiller/etc/realtime/code.html (英文)
http://linux-embedded.com/links.php3 (英文)
嵌入论坛 星运网络-----电子工程师论坛
民间团体 嵌入式Linux
北京 Linux 俱乐部
链接资源 可编程逻辑器件网站
IPANEL 嵌入式浏览器网站
科研团体 中国单片机公共实验室
开发工具 http://www.gnu.org (英文)
GNU 自由软件组织
http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/gcc/gcc_44.html (英文)
介绍用GNU CC构造交叉编译器
http://www.idiom.com/free-compilers/ (英文)
个人主页 电子工程师园地
美国一位大学副教授的个人主页 (英文)
单片机 单片机技术网
处理器类 http://www.bdti.com (英文)
http://www.mdronline.com/events/epf99/ (英文)
产品信息 闻亭公司DSP产品
测试工具 http://www.methods-tools.com/tools/frames_testing.html (英文)
http://www.testingstuff.com (英文)
http://www.rstcorp.com/marick/faqs/tools.htm (英文)
http://www.stqe.net (英文)
报刊杂志 电子设计技术杂志网站嵌入式系统页


 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-22 14:14:10 | 显示全部楼层
Embedded and Real Time Systems
General Embedded & Real Time
Portals & Links
eg3 - "best of the web" for embedded systems, dsp, real-time/rtos, board-level computing, soc and more"
Embedded.com - a solid portal from the EETimes Network
IEEE Distributed Systems Online
Embedded Webring
OneSmartClick RTOS Links
Magazines and Journals
Dr. Dobb's Embedded Systems
Open Group - Boundaryless Information Flow achieved through global interoperability in a secure, reliable and timely manner. (especially see presentation library
INES - spreading and the promotion of SW and/or FW technologies referable to the adoption of Open Source OS based solution to implement TCP/IP networks in embedded non-consumer application based on insufficiently deployed approaches.
IEEE-CS TC-RTS - IEEE Computer Society, Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems
Academic Centers and Researchers
CREST - Center for Research on Embedded Systems and Technology (Georgia Tech)
Real-Time & Embedded Computing Laboratory (University of VA) -- especially see the home pages of Anthony Wood and John Stankovic.
Real-Time Operating Systems Laboratory(Seoul National University)
Laboratory for Embedded Collaborative Systems -LECS (UCLA)
Philip Koopman's Home Page (CMU)
Courses (.com and .edu)
Languages for Embedded System Design (Columbia)
Third International Conference on Embedded Software - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, October 13-15, 2003
ACM SenSys '03 (Los Angeles, November 5-7)
Security and Embedded/RT Systems
Working Groups and Conferences
Open Group Real-Time Security - Secure systems and real time, embedded systems are subject areas with many requirements, guidelines, and standards. Historically, real time systems designers have not included information security/assurance in their requirements. Our interest area is the intersection of real time and security. A growing number of systems exist today that have both real time (including embedded) and security considerations.
CFP: ACM Transactions on Embedded Systems, Special Issue on Embedded Systems and Security
Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems CHES 2003 (Cologne, 7-10 September 2003)
Papers and Presentations
Security for industrial real-time control: with notes on "Partioning Kernel Protection Profile" (Victor Yodaiken, FSMLabs)
RTLinux and process control security (Victor Yodaiken, FSMLabs)
Computing Security for RT and Embedded Systems: Kernel Module Approach (Mitch Bunnell, CTO LynuxWorks)
Enhancing Embedded Security (Robert Monkman)
Embedded Linux Sites, Portals, and Organizations
LinuxDevices.com - "the embedded Linux portal"
Embedded Linux Consortium - a nonprofit, vendor-neutral trade association whose goal is the advancement, promotion and standardization of Linux throughout the embedded, applied and appliance computing markets.
SiliconPenguin - "the Embedded Linux Authority"
Blue Mug Research Embedded Linux Survey - comprehensive summary of embedded Linux activity
allLinuxdevices - another portal from the same folks that bring us LinuxToday and other sites
IBM Pervasive Computing - not completely embedded but has lots of good links
Carrier Grade Linux - focused on better positioning Linux and Linux-based software components as the basis for highly available and robust communications products.
Real Time Linux Foundation - a well balanced group has been established between industry, academia, users and developers now known as the Real Time Linux Foundation and implemented as nonprofit corporation.
uCdot - Embedded Linux developer forum
CE Linux Forum - an industry group that is focused on the advancement of Linux as an open source platform for consumer electronics devices.
RealTime/Embedded Linux (Commercial Distributions)
ELinOS - a development environment based on Linux for the creation of embedded systems for intelligent devices. With ELinOS the memory demand of Linux is reduced to less than 1 MB ROM and 2 MB RAM.
FSMLabs - the RTLinux Company - a privately held, core software technology company with headquarters in New Mexico and a worldwide support network of partners and value-added resellers. FSMLabs created the RTLinux and RTCore hard-real-time operating systems and we are primarily a research and development and software support company.
Jaluna - Sun + Chorus Spinoff that has a real time version of Linux
Lineo (acquired by Metrowerks) - complete end-to-end embedded Linux development solution, including tools, operating system, middleware and software stacks. The addition of this key technology complements Metrowerks CodeWarrior development tools, and helps shorten customer time-to-market by providing customers a complete integrated solution from single source.
LynuxWorks - a pioneer of open standards with our LynxOS® real-time operating system and a leader in the embedded Linux market with our BlueCat® Linux®
Mizi - a Linux-based software that ultimately supports many of mobile devices with higher customer satisfaction through state-of-the-art technologies, shorten development period and competitive required fee.
Montavista - a leading global supplier of systems software for intelligent connected devices and associated infrastructure. MontaVista powers the embedded revolution by providing GNU/Linux-based open-source software solutions.
TimeSys - a pioneer in supplying leading-edge Linux products to the developers of embedded systems. With TimeSys, you get an off-the-shelf Linux software development kit with a complete range of development tools certified to work with 8 processor architectures, over 35 processors and over 65 specific hardware platforms.
RedSonic - offers complete final solutions for innovative residential gateways, entertainment devices, and surveillance systems based on REDSonic's Linux RTOS.
RealTime/Embedded Linux (Non-Commercial)
Adeos - a flexible environment for sharing hardware resources among multiple operating systems, or among multiple instances of a single OS. Also see Opersys, Inc.
DIAPM RTAI - the Realtime Linux Application Interface for Linux - which lets you write applications with strict timing constraints for your favourite operating system (x86 PowerPC ARM MIPS) -- also see
Linux/RK - stands for Linux/Resource Kernel, which incorporates real-time extensions to the Linux kernel to support the abstractions of a resource kernel. A resource kernel is a real-time kernel (operating system) that provides timely, guaranteed and enforced access to system resources for applications.
HA Linux (Motorola)
KURT-Linux - Kansas University Real-Time Linux Microsecond timing resolution and event-driven real-time scheduling
Bernard Kuhns Real Time Interrupt Patch - see patch for 2.4.23
QLinux - a Linux kernel that can provide quality of service guarantees. QLinux, based on the Linux 2.4.4 kernel, combines some of the latest innovations in operating systems research. (Univ. of Mass)
Snapgear - SnapGear Linux was devised to solve some common problems that exist for embedded Linux developers today
uClinux - a port of Linux to systems without a Memory Management Unit (MMU).
Misc Linux Embedded
romfs - space-efficient, small, read-only filesystem for Linux and some Linux based projects. It is a block-based filesystem, that means it makes use of block (or sector) accessible storage driver (like disks, CDs, ROM drives).
uClibc - a C library for developing embedded Linux systems. It is much smaller than the GNU C Library, but nearly all applications supported by glibc also work perfectly with uClibc.
Other Realtime/Embedded
Integrity - a secure, royalty-free Real-Time Operating System intended for use in embedded systems that require maximum reliability. INTEGRITY represents the most advanced RTOS technology on the market today. Without the burden of compatibility with 1980's vintage products, INTEGRITY was designed from the ground up for 32-bit and 64-bit embedded processors, and employs the latest in RTOS technology. (Green Hill Software)
QNX - for over 20 years, QNX realtime OS (RTOS) technology has been providing the foundation for mission- and life-critical embedded systems.
ThreadX (ExpressLogic)
InterNiche Technologies - licenses its comprehensive suites of solutions for Security (IPSec, IKE, SSL), Embedded TCP/IP (IPv4 and IPv6 stacks), routers, web servers and browsers, SNMP and web based management enabling embedded system developers to easily add communications, networking and management to their designs. Also see ChronOS.
Nucleus RTOS
SMX (MicroDigital)
uC/OS-II - highly portable, ROMable, very scalable, preemptive real-time, multitasking kernel (RTOS) for microprocessors and microcontrollers. µC/OS-II can manage up to 63 application tasks. Over 100 microprocessor ports available
Other Free/Non-Commercial/Open Source Embedded/Realtime OS's
eCos - an open source, royalty-free, real-time operating system intended for embedded applications. The highly configurable nature of eCos allows the operating system to be customised to precise application requirements, delivering the best possible run-time performance and an optimised hardware resource footprint. Also see eCosCentric and third party projects
DROPS - The Dresden Real-Time Operating Systems Project is a research project aiming at the support of applications with Quality of Service requirements.
EROS - extremely reliable operating system
ERIKA - a full-fledged and fully functional RTOS distributed under the GNU GPL license. It has been designed to be an effective and attractive Educational platform for real-time programming or embedded systems courses. A first possibility for students and instructors is to use ERIKA educational as a programming environment to develop small control applications.
Exokernel (MIT)
Fiasco - Fiasco is a new µ-kernel (microkernel) running on x86 PCs intended to be compatible with the L4 µ-kernel for x86. It implements the L4 ABI as defined in the L4/x86 Reference Manual.
FreeRTOS - a portable, open source, mini Real Time Kernel. GPL with support for PIC18, MegaAVR, Flashlite 186, x86
Gemini Nucleus - The goal is to create a production quality micro kernel based on the latest findings in operating system research. The result will be a micro-kernel having the following features: 1) no abstractions, 2) safe those necessary for protection, 3) minimal set of primitives, 3) support for capability based security, 4) support for resource management needed for real-time and multimedia applications
liquorice - aims to provide a reliable, high performance, environment for embedded application development
ROME - a lightweight, modular, multitasking, embedded operating system which has been developed and used for multiple research projects within the Computer & Communications Research Laboratory (CCRL) of NEC USA, Inc. in Princeton, NJ.
L4 - L4 is the name of a second-generation µ-kernel (microkernel) designed and implemented by Jochen Liedtke, running on i486 and Pentium CPUs.
XO/2 - an object-oriented, hard-real time system software and framework, designed for safety, extensibility and abstraction. It takes care of many common issues faced by programmers of mechatronic products, by hiding general design patterns inside internal mechanisms or by encapsulating them into easy-to-understand abstractions.
Non-x86 Linux Hardware Ports
Aleph ARMLinux - Aleph One are ARMLinux specialists. We work closely with ARM hardware developers and programers around the world to produce ARMLinux distributions, hardware, documentation and services for ARM-based devices.
The ARM Linux Project - ARM Linux is a port of the successful Linux Operating System to ARM processor based machines mainly by Russell King with contributions from others.
ELKS - goal of the ELKS project is to create a Linux kernel for: 8086 and 80286 class IBM Personal Computer compatible systems, Palmtop Computers, such as the Psion SiBO (Sixteen Bit Organiser), Single board microcomputers, Embedded controller systems, and other old computers.
Linux MIPS - a port of the widespread UNIX clone Linux to the MIPS architecture. Linux/MIPS runs on a large number of technically very different systems ranging from small embedded systems to large desktop machines and servers from SGI and DEC.
Linux for PowerPC Embedded Systems HOWTO
GNU/Linux on SuperH also see SHLinux
handhelds.org - goal is to encourage and facilitate the creation of open source software for use on handheld and wearable computers.
LinuxBootLoader (Metrowerks Wiki)
uClinux on the NEC V850E
Bootloaders & Firmware
ARMBoot - an Open-Source firmware suite for ARM based platforms. ARMboot is heavily based on the sister-project PPCboot, which provides similar functionality on PowerPC based systems. ARMboot shall be a common, easy-to-use and easy-to-port boot platform
Blob - LART comes with its own boot loader, blob (Boot Loader OBject). Blob is copyrighted by Jan-Derk Bakker and Erik Mouw, and released with a slightly modified GNU GPL license. It's slightly modified because we don't consider the operating systems that blob boots as a derived work.
Embedded Linux PPC Boot Project and Das U-Boot: Universal Boot Loader
LinuxBIOS - an Open Source project aimed at replacing the normal BIOS with a little bit of hardware initialization and a compressed Linux kernel that can be booted from a cold start.
OpenBIOS - will be a free portable firmware implementation. The goal is to implement a 100% IEEE 1275-1994 (Referred to as Open Firmware) compliant firmware. Among it's features, Open Firmware provides an instruction set independent device interface. This can be used to boot the operating system from expansion cards without any native binary code.
Redboot - a complete bootstrap environment for embedded systems. Based on the eCos Hardware Abstraction Layer, RedBoot inherits the eCos qualities of reliability, compactness, configurability, and portability.
Talkware TIARA - an Openbios/GRUB/PFORTH composite, BIOS replacement. Boots an unmodifed linux kernel from an IDE drive or ethernet, using only 128kb of flash. Works with INTEL/AMD K6/2-450, SiS 530/5595 and 8139 enet. VGA & Serial console supported.
68360 Boot Loader - Boot loader and FLASH burner for the Motorola 68360 processor (aka Power QUICC). Based on CoLILO linux loader for Motorola Coldfire processors, however this boot loader is OS independent. Supports systems with multiple FLASH devices, runs from RAM.
Miniboot - a minimalistic bootloader for embedded systems. It scans the flash for an image to start if the checksum is correct. Miniboot also provides a way to update the image; S-Records are interpreted via the serial-line and programmed into the flash on-the-fly. The image could be any application; a more advanced bootloader, a RTOS, or an embedded Linux system.
Other "Alternative" OS's
Brix - designed to be very fast, modular, secure and lightweight with no compromises. All code is compiled locally with a single language, binary code can not be installed. This means that other compiled languages (C and C++) can't be used with BRiX but interpreted languages such as perl, python, php and java can be. The system language will have a layer that mimics the C syntax but it will not be possible to compile C code because BRiX is not a process based system.
Miscellaneous Embedded Vendors
Arcom - founded in 1982, Arcom has grown to become one of the leading suppliers of embedded computer and communications processors.
Ampro - for 18 years, Ampro Computers has supplied innovative modular embedded computing solutions to help our customers get to market and to profit faster.
Arcturus Networks - a privately held Canadian company with seven years of experience in the embedded network and communication sector. Arcturus is committed to delivering end-to-end embedded Residential Gateway (RG) hardware and firmware solutions including complete protocol suites and applications to enable the next generation of converged voice, data and media devices.
Applied Data - "a leading supplier of StrongARM and XScale, single board RISC embedded system computers with flat panel displays for customers who need an application- ready Single Board Computer (SBC) running Windows CE, Linux or the operating system of choice."
Axotec - designs and manufactures rapid applicable industrial computer and interface solutions for demanding applications worldwide. The products are based on powerful Embedded Computer modules; the Modules are available with Embedded Linux - ready to use.
Embedded Planet - manufactures single board computers used in embedded systems requiring small form factor, low cost solutions. The modules use Motorola PowerPC 823, 850, 855, 857, 860, 862, 8260, 8245, IBM PowerPC 4xx, AMD Alchemy MIPS Au1000 and Cirrus Logic ARM CS89712.
Simtec - UK company that provides some reasonably priced (99 pounds) ARM Evaluation boards that come with Debian/GNU Linux
Monterey Linux - a professionally packaged and supported Linux distribution. Several target editions are planned. The Texas Instruments C547x Edition is shipping today and fully supports the TMS32VC547x ARM7TDMI/DSP dual-core embedded processor.
Techsol - "a world leader in Linux on ARM technology. Leverage our off-the-shelf Medallion Computer Modules and development kits to accelerate your development projects."
InHand Electronics - the leading supplier of low-power platforms and services for developers of next-generation handheld and wireless devices.
Intrinsic - Our unique software, hardware, and systems integration solutions enable companies to create, network and manage specialized, intelligent embedded devices and applications
iMAGEcraft - source for Atmel AVR, MegaAVR, tinyAVR; Cypress MicroSystems PSoC; Motorola's HC08, HC11, HC12, HC16, and Texas Instruments MSP430 Microcontrollers Hardware/Dev Tools.
SSV Embedded Systems - a part of the SSV GmbH in Germany. SSV Embedded Systems designs and manufactures a wide range of products for the embedded system and factory automation market.
Axman - diverse microcontroller company specializing in single board computers, embedded controllers, custom design, and manufacturing solutions. Axiom Manufacturing started business in 1993, designing and building Microchip PIC and Zilog Z8 custom applications and expanded it's product line to included Phillips 80C562 , 80C552 and Motorola's 08, 16, 32 bit microprocessors.
Embedded CPU/Architecture
AVR Freaks
OpenAVR - a central repository of information for the various open source tools available for the development of software for Amtel's AVR family of 8-bit RISC microcontrollers.
CDK4AVR -- AVR Cross Development Kit - Cross Development Kit for Atmels AVR RISC processor serie and should support your development with a comprehensive Assembler and C development environment for even this processor familie under Linux. It will present only free of fee tools, so you can use it without risks. Further you will find some useful OS projects and related sample code all arround AVRs inside of the example packages.
Free AVR ICE / GDB-Serializer - This project is about creating a free interface between GNU/Linux(maybe windoze) and Atmel-Megas, and other uCs, to debug them "In Circuit".
ARM Technical Tidbits
ARM Developments
Links to ARM Information (Codesprite)
Evaluator 7t
ARM Assembler
ColdFire (Motorola)
The ColdFire HQ
EG3 Coldfire Links
University of Waterloo Coldfire Resource
Embedded Microcontrollers
Labs.com Microcontroller Page
Rabbit Semiconductor
Z80 - takes me back to my first computer (a Kaypro II)
Home of the Z80
MBUtil (also SF Prj - Miniboard Utility. Uploader and Monitor program for Mini Board and Motorola's MC68HC811E2 microcontroller.
Ethernut - an Open Source Hardware and Software Project for building Embedded Ethernet Devices.
Simulators and Virtual CPUs
cereal Emulation Framework - an emulation framework designed to allow easy emulation of interconnected modules. Its main component is an 8051 emulator module, so it can be used as an 8051 emulator.
ColdFire Emulator - a Motorola Coldfire 5206 Emulator
EVBU - An Open Source 68HC11 Simulator
GUSS - the Universal System Simulator simulates hardware to test, debug and profile software on. It is (or will) capable of running an operating system without any modification to the OS itself.
LEOX - a complete, free, open source, set of hardware and software components usable to build an embedded computer with its operating system that can be incorporated easily into a FPGA or into an ASIC
PowerPC 750 Simulator
Skyeye - The ARM simulation environment for OS learning & developing. No need for real hardware! . Also see the SourceForge China Site and an FTP mirror site.
SimpleScalar - a system software infrastructure used to build modeling applications for program performance analysis, detailed microarchitectural modeling, and hardware-software co-verification.
SimIt-ARM - a series of free instruction-set-simulators and micro-architecture simulators. The intention of SimIt is to share research infrastructures with colleagues in all fields related to computer architecture.
SWARM - Software ARM - a modular simulation of an ARM 7 processor written in C++. It is cycle accurate, and models the datapath at the bus level. It is sufficiently complete that it will run microcontroller linux.
ZetaLinux - Zeta is the name of a project to create a virtual platform to port linux to.
Miscellenous or Somehow Related
lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack - goal is to reduce resource usage while still having a full scale TCP, making lwIP suitable for use in embedded systems with tenths of kilobytes of free RAM and room for around 40 kilobytes of code ROM.
uC/IP - uC/IP
uIP - uIP - A Free Small TCP/IP Implementation for 8- and 16-bit Microcontrollers
Jelie 1.2 - a JTAG port driving software for Intel XScale CPU family. With only a JTAG connection, Jelie is able to upload a debug handler, initialize the memory, upload and debug programs.
Linux on the ATMEL EB55 board
JTAG Tools - software package which enables working with JTAG-aware (IEEE 1149.1) hardware devices (parts) and boards through JTAG adapter. This package has open and modular architecture with ability to write miscellaneous extensions (like board testers, flash memory programmers, and so on).
KMD - graphical debugger written by me for The University of Manchester Computer Science Department. It can debug hardware over serial ports such as the Manchester ARM Board or with software emulators (ARM and MIPS emulators are included in the project). Using the pipe option you can debug over the network or any other communication medium. It can load many executable formats such as ELF and display and follow the original source even from multiple source file programs.

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