I have a problem with compiling the program SkyEye (SkyEye-1.3.0_rc1.tar.gz).
When compiling a program under MinGW, and under Linux I throw a syntax error, thus missing some libraries. (for example, under MinGW lacks "Stdarg.h" under Linux throws error "deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char *'")
I use "Windows XP x64", and "PLD Linux under VMWare.
What exactly is needed to build and how exactly do I do?
(on the "http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/skyeye/wiki/UM8" is not written, the command "make lib", but it is written on the forum "http://www.linuxfans.org/bbs/ thread-190673-1-1.html ")
or how do I download binaries of the program?
(on the "http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/skyeye/wiki/UM2" it is written that there is a possibility)
Regards from Poland.
PS: I do not know the Chinese language and use the google translator but I prefer to write in English, because I see the translation errors |