I got it!
If you want to make a online shop like i am doing, in RedHat
You have to do following things
First of all, make sure you have openssl and mod_ssl(for apache
2.0)installed on your RH8.0
1. cd /etc/httpd/conf
2. make genkey (this will generate public key)
3. make certreq
4. make testcert
doing step 3 & 4 make sure you put your domian name when it asks for your server
name(EX, mine is timeout.homeip.net)
5. restart the appache with command "service httpd restart"
If you want to get rid of the pass-phrase dialog at Apache startup time,
do following in your /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key folder:
$ cp server.key server.key.org
$ openssl rsa -in server.key.org -out server.key
$ chmod 400 server.key
cd /usr/share/openssl/certs;修改一下Makefile,根据你的需要来设定key的生成位置,和加密的强度。
make server.key;make server.crt
最后apachectl startssl就可以了。